What to Wear in South Korea in July: Stay Comfortable and Stylish!

Bring a Lightweight Outer Layer: A Thin Windbreaker or Cardigan

It's essential to always have a thin outer layer with you when visiting South Korea in July. The weather can get scorching hot and humid, with temperatures in Seoul reaching over 30℃ (86℉) during the day. Moreover, the rainy season has already begun, adding to the discomfort. Even in shaded areas, you won't find much relief from the heat. That's why public spaces like subways, buses, shops, restaurants, and theaters blast their air conditioners. 

While the cool air feels refreshing, it's easy to catch a cold or get sick if there's a significant temperature difference or if you're exposed to the AC for an extended period. To stay prepared, consider packing a lightweight windbreaker or cardigan, especially if you tend to feel cold easily or if you're traveling with children. A thin outer layer will protect you from chilly air without weighing you down.

Opt for Open-Toed Shoes: Comfortable Sandals

Unless you're planning hikes or visits to rural areas, most of your time in Korean cities will be spent walking on paved streets, even in parks. While sneakers can be a good option for extensive walking, remember that July in Korea means hot and humid weather. In the early part of the month, sneakers are fine, but as July progresses, it's best to switch to comfortable sandals.

Fortunately, sudden showers are less common in Korea. So, if the weather is clear with few clouds in the morning, go ahead and wear sandlas. If it's overcast or rain is expected, you can opt for other closed-toe shoes. Sneakers are a suitable alternative in such cases. However, if heavy rain is predicted, it's advisoable to carry shoe covers. You can find affordable silicone shoe covers at stores like Daiso for around 1,000 won($1 USD). Simply slip them over your shoes when it rains. Just be cautious on smooth surfaces like tiled floors, as they can become slippery when wearing shoe covers.

Remember, adapting to the weather and your personal comfort is key when deciding what to wear in South Korea in July. By following these suggestions, you'll be able to enjoy your trip while staying cool and stylish.

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