My thoughts about travel.

What is travel

I love travel. Somewhere I've heard that each spot, region, even and country has its own energy(氣) to each person, and they get the energy while they stay there. If one can get no more energy from the place, he or she'd rather visit or move to another place. Even visiting a new place for a minute, the place can give the person new energy. That's why if I visit a new place, I can refresh, get a new energy and feel better. However, each person has their own travel style. Someone likes relaxing in a hotel and enjoying nature and free time, but another likes wandering and trying this and that, and third one likes visiting some memorial place and studying about the place. There are countless of travel styles. 

About my travel style

My MBTI is ENFJ-T. I like planning especially on travel. Before traveling, I make an excel sheet. I write my itinerary by time on the sheet. On other sheets, I research and write down what I book, how much it will be, how to get there, what I prepare, and even some vocabularies (when I travel to another country).

I like getting around, trying local food and adventure things. I like keeping records and reviews on my phone, notebooks or the excel sheets. Normally, I write what I feel good and what I need to prepare next travel.

What I want to share through my blog

On the Internet, there floods countless information. If I want to get information such as a good restaurant, I have to recognize which information is real thing not advertising.

So, I want to share where I get, what I eat, how much it is, what the good point is and more through my blog. Maybe, I can make a plan on my blog for virtual foreign people who are about to travel in Korea, like itinerary on limited budget. 

A few days ago, I visited Cheonan, one of the city in Korea, for attending my oldest cousin's wedding. After wedding, my family and I visited the Independence Hall of Korea(The figure above) in Cheonan. I had visited there when I was a student during the school field trip. This time, I felt another thing. I guess it's because I'm older than last I'd visited there. And I get new energy from Cheonan and the Independence Hall of Korea. So, next post will be about the Cheonan and the Independence Hall of Korea.

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